Thursday, April 8, 2010

Momma Taught Me How To Eat Fun Dip

1. Have you momma open the package for you.
2. Lick the stick.
3. Stick the stick down into the powder.
4. Lick the powder off the stick.
5. Repeat step 2 through 4 until the powder is gone.
6. Eat the stick



  1. Oh, yum! i used to love that stuff! Especially eating the stick after the powder was gone.
    Thanks for the memories, Thomas...i just might have to go get me some...for old times sake!

    (i think it used to be called "Lick 'Um Aid")

  2. I really enjoy the blue/green teeth. Amazingly it all came off when he brushed his teeth. Now the lips were another story...
